Have you wondered if a certain dataset can be used for OSM? What does it mean for a license to be “compatible” with OSM and ODbL? This talk will give pointers on where to look for information, common compatibility issues, and best practices for presenting a license to LWG for help review.
Have you wondered if a certain dataset can be used for OSM? What does it mean for a license to be “compatible” with OSM and ODbL? This talk will give pointers on where to look for information, common compatibility issues, and best practices for presenting a license to LWG for help review.
Outline: Sources of information about the license
- Website (page from which data is downloaded, about page, FAQ, TOS)
- Accompanying file (e.g., README, LICENSE)
- Terms, credits, etc.
- Metadata Information about licenses/dataset previously evaluated for use with OSM
- Imports wiki page
- License compatibility page
- forums/lists US data
- Federal data and the public domain
- State data
- Local data Common compatibility issues
- Attribution
- Use restrictions (e.g., noncommercial/personal/research)
- Privacy
- Sharealike
- Revocability
- Indemnity
- Local laws
- Things that are usually not a problem (disclaimer of warranty/accuracy, trademarks, governing law, ) Making it easy for others to read a license
- Link everything!
- Include all information about the source
- Where to obtain
- Description of where/who the data is from
- Include all information about the license
- What the license is
- Any info about permitted uses
- Any prior OSM discussion
- Flag common compatibility issues and why you think they are or are not issues
- Quote the relevant sections of the license (include the section number!)
- Explain your reasoning
- If the license references other laws/regulations/terms, look them up and link to and quote from them.