Schedule & Program
Join for three days packed with talks, workshops, hacking, mapping parties and meetings all around OpenStreetMap.
, 5th September Summary & Social EventsArrive in Minneapolis and enjoy the day. Get some rest so you’re ready bright and early on Friday morning!
, 6th September Summary & Social EventsRegistration in the morning at McNamara Alumni Center. Get here early to pick up your badge, t-shirt, grab a bite from continental breakfast, and find a seat for the start of the program. Sessions and workshops will occur throughout the day. Hear from your fellow OpenStreetMap community members about what they’re working on. Lunch will be provided.
Join us Friday evening for a reception at the Mill City Museum. We’ll have food and beverages of all types, a tour in the Flour Tower, and free run of the museum for hours.
, 7th September Summary & Social EventsGet ready for another great day of talks. Registration will still be open if you’re just getting in. Breakfast and lunch are provided on Saturday as well.
, 8th September Summary & Social EventsStick around on Sunday for morning sessions, workshops, and the closing session.